© Copyright 2023 - The Ministry of Paul Cain as shared through Pam Clark - All Rights Reserved

About Paul Cain

Paul Cain was in the ministry for over 70 years, and has truly led a life marked by the supernatural. He has ministered to many international Christian leaders and government officials. While still in his mother’s womb, an angel appeared to his mother with a message from the Lord: "The fruit of your womb is a male child. Name him Troas Paul. He will preach the gospel as the Apostle Paul of old.... and he will prophesy to Kings and Presidents." All of this came to pass exactly as it was told, and is continuing to unfold even now...
It Is Time To Seek His Face
For many years he was called “the boy preacher” and was known for his ability to tell people their secret sins. He has many comical stories about that. Later William Branham would affectionately call him “Litte Brother” when they worked together. At the age of 17, Paul began to hold citywide salvation and healing campaigns in tents, civic auditoriums and churches where supernatural and documented healings took place. He became one of many prominent preachers in a move of the Spirit known as the "Healing Revival" which lasted from 1947 to 1958. Besides William Branham, Paul also worked with well known ministries such as Oral Roberts, Gordon Lindsay, Jack Coe, A.A. Allen and many other notables.
During the great healing revival, Paul's ministry reached international proportions. In 1954, his manager purchased the world's largest gospel tent from Jack Coe, having a capacity to hold 8,000 people. Paul toured the country, filling it with thousands wherever he went. During the height of the healing revival, Paul began to feel grieved by the pollution and mixture that came in. He withdrew himself as the Spirit momentum of that revival began to wane and he spent many years in a quiet lifestyle pastoring and seeking the Lord in a time that has been called his “silent years.” He was never completely out of the ministry. During that time he felt God tell him that “a new breed” was arising that would seek the Lord with such a passionate fervor that as a group they would be known as the “nameless, faceless ones,” because of their desire to put Him first. The Lord told him he would live to see them arise. The Lord also gave him many recurring dreams about “stadium ministries.” Today we also see this increasing in dramatic ways.
He became prominent again during the “Jesus People”, “Charismatic”, “Vineyard” and “Kansas City Prophets” days of the 80’s and 90’s and worked closely with Mike Bickle, Rick Joyner, John Wimber, Bob Jones and many other prophetic leaders during that season. That season also ebbed but not before witnessing to many world leaders, and working as an ambassador to the Middle East under President Bill Clinton, even holding diplomatic meetings for him with then President Sadaam Hussein of Iraq as well as having many other strategic liasons of service. There are many stories to this fascinating life, of which we can only touch the surface here. Paul has a book coming out in the near future of many of his life stories and still continues to minister today in his 80’s with a hopeful outlook for this generation. The half has never yet been told... as the expression goes. Only Heaven will reveal the crucial role that this one life has lived and continues to live....